Posts By: werlingadmin

Always Be Ready for Parties with Canned Hamburger

Summer is outdoor party season across the country as many people invite their friends and family over for summertime fun in the sun on the porch or patio. With that in mind, there’s no time like the present to stock up on some canned hamburger meat from Werling & Sons. Cooking Out in the Summer… Read more »

Make Taco Night a Regular Occurrence with Our Canned Beef

Taco Beef Filling

Have you ever found yourself staring longingly into the fridge with no plans for dinner, wondering what you could possibly make out of the two ingredients in there that don’t match? After a few minutes, you end up throwing something together that tastes sort of OK … well, not really. That’s no way to feed… Read more »

Canned Chicken Recipe Favorites for the Winter

If you’re looking for a new and exciting way to eat chicken – you’ve found it. Chicken casserole is a great dish, but perhaps you’re ready for a change. Here is a recipe to spice up your canned chicken and make great (and easy) chicken tacos! Chicken Tacos for Comfort Food in the Winter The… Read more »

Why You Should Stock up on Canned Goods This Winter

14.5 oz Variety Canned Meat 12- Pack

As we start to close our windows and turn the heat on during the evenings, we realize that winter is right around the corner. we understand that winters can be brutal. There are some days when blizzard-like conditions cause whole cities to close down, with driving bans enforced and wind chills below zero. When you… Read more »

Effective Food Stockpiling Takes Planning

Canned Meats stockpiling

The reasons to start a food storage plan are far and ranging. As varied as the reasons for food storage may be, it is always a good idea for every family to maintain a food storage plan, no matter where they live. This can be as simple as storing healthy canned goods in your cabinets… Read more »

Why Canned Goods Are Ideal for a Camping Trip

Cooking canned meats while camping

Grizzly bears have a great sense of smell. They can smell food from a mile away. Campers this summer should make sure they bring the proper foods for a camping trip to ensure that the food will be good, as well as stay safe from animals out in the wilderness. Typically, hikes through the woods… Read more »